Who are the Sisters of Notre Dame?
- In 1849, two young teachers in Coesfeld, Germany began providing a home where neglected children could be loved and cared for while they attended school. Hilligonde Wolbring as Sister Maria Aloysia, and Elizabeth Kuhling as Sister Maria Ignatia began their novitiate On October 1, 1850, and the Sisters of Notre Dame of Coesfeld were founded. Since its founding, the congregation has grown to its present membership of 2000 sisters ministering worldwide in nineteen countries, 700 of whom serve in the United States. Notre Dame Education Center is one of the four provincial centers in the United States. By 2020, all four provinces will be one USA province.
Explain the term “sponsored by the Sisters of Notre Dame.”
- The sponsorship of a particular apostolate or ministry is a formal relationship between a recognized Catholic organization (The Sisters of Notre Dame) and a legally formed entity (NDES) entered into for the sake of promoting and sustaining the mission of the Church. Sisters of Notre Dame are responsible for ensuring the school’s fidelity to its Catholic identity and to the
educational vision and principles of the Sisters of Notre Dame. Their role is one of influence, not governance.
Who is the governing body for Notre Dame Schools?
- The Board of Members and the Notre Dame Schools Board of Directors presently serve as the governing body for NDCL and NDES. Five persons constitute the Board of Members. On July 1, 2015 a new board, The Notre Dame Schools Board assumed governing powers replacing the two singular boards that had been previously in place. The Board numbers 24 members, three of whom are Sisters of Notre Dame. The Board Chair is Lynne Ernes. The current board members are alumni of Notre Dame Academy, Cathedral Latin School, NDES and NDCL, current and former parents and other professionals from the
business community with expertise in specific areas relative to the board’s areas of responsibility. The Board of Directors hire the President of Notre Dame-Cathedral Latin School.
Why did NDES implement the president-principal model?
- Recognizing the need for a stronger leadership model as the challenges of school growth became more complex, NDES implemented this model of leadership in July, 2015. Seventy percent of all private schools or those sponsored by a religious congregation (such as NDES) have this leadership model in place. This nationwide trend is increasing due to the complexities and challenges of Catholic school administration, marketing, and fundraising. The president’s primary areas of responsibility include NDES’s Catholic identity and mission, the implementation of the educational vision and mission of the Sisters of Notre Dame, Board leadership, strategic planning, fiscal management, alumni affairs, marketing and admissions, public
representation, fundraising and all advancement efforts. The principal is responsible for academic and student affairs, student services, certain aspects of admissions, religious ministry, technology, the teaching faculty and support staff. The athletic
director and moderators of all extracurricular activities report to the principal.