Voice Recognition
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NDES and NDMS students reside in Lake, Geauga, and Cuyahoga Counties. Therefore, we understand the importance of safe, convenient transportation options for our families.

Public Bus Transportation
Public School districts that provide round trip transportation at no additional cost to parents currently include: Berkshire, Cardinal, Chardon, Kenston, Kirtland, Mayfield, Mentor, Riverside, West Geauga, and Willoughby-Eastlake.

NDCL-Provided Bus Transportation
As a service to our families, NDES and NDMS offers bus transportation through NDCL for students who live in neighborhoods where busing is not provided by the local public school district. NDCL-provided bus transportation will serve those locations in Lake, Cuyahoga, and Geauga counties where the expressed need is greatest. To learn more about NDCL-provided bus transportation, click here.

The blacktop area is closed to any traffic between 9:30am and 2:00 pm. If you have business to conduct with the school during this time, park in the bus parking area until 2:15pm or in the Sisters of Notre Dame parking lot closest to the SND chapel.

If your student has a change of transportation please complete this form by clicking HERE.