After Care Usage
Regular or occasional use of After Care is available and must be indicated on the registration form. All students are required to complete the registration on-line form and pay a $50 registration fee per student before using this service.
Regular users are students who use the After Care service on regularly scheduled day(s) as indicated on the registration form. Should changes occur to the set schedule, please contact the office.
Occasional users are students who use After Care intermittently or as needed. Families who are occasional user and plan to use After Care on certain days, need to leave a message on the Change of Transportation message system for those certain days.
Pick-Up Policy
Children will only be released to authorized adults indicated on the registration form. Driver’s license will be requested at the time of pick- up if the authorized adult is not familiar to the After Care staff. When picking up your child from NDES and NDMS, please park near the basketball court when the access road is chained off. When the access road is not chained off, please park behind the gym where a small amount of parking is available.
After School Sports
The coach and/or the assistant coach assigned to the sport must be listed on the registration form as an authorized person to release your child from After Care. This will need to
be updated with the start of each new sport your child participates. It is the responsibility of the parent to inform the coach that your child is in After Care and will need to be signed out for practice.
Clothes and Snacks
A snack is provided for the students during the scheduled snack period each day. Children may bring a change of clothes that are consistent with our out of uniform policy in the NDES and NDMS Handbook. Students must bring non-marking gym shoes from the classroom in order to play in the gym while at After Care. No stocking or bare feet will be allowed. The After Care Program and staff will not be held responsible for lost or damaged clothing.
Safety and Discipline
School rules as listed in the handbook for indoor and outdoor activities apply to this program. Rudeness, rough play or unsafe behavior are not tolerated. Students may never leave the dining room or immediate outdoor play area without the permission
of the director and/or staff member. Electronic devices are not permitted.
Quiet homework time is scheduled each day. How your child chooses to use the time that is given is up to them. It is not the responsibility of the After Care staff to make sure your child’s homework is completed.
Emergencies during After Care
440.279.1125 during hours of 2:40pm – 6:00pm